Monday, May 10, 2010

A couple of days in Nakuru

I was going to spend my last few days in Diani and visiting Lamu (an exotic coastal area) to rest up before heading home. Instead I decided to spend a couple of days in Nakuru. Mama Lydia has another property there which she said needed a lot of work, so I told her I would go and work the property. I then recruited Danny, so the 3 of us headed there Thursday and Friday.

Mama Lydia and Danny and Great Rift Valley                Great Rift Valley

Lake Nakuru                                                               
Nakuru is about 3 hours away - a beautiful drive with a beautiful view of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Nakuru. Unfortunately, it was a bit overcast, so the pictures don't truly reflect the beauty.

Mama Lydia rented a lawnmower for a day, so Danny and I took turns "slashing" the long grass and mowing. Not sure which was more tiring - the lawnmower died every 6 feet!! Even Mama Lydia tried out the lawnmower!
The one bonus with the slashing is that I think I may have mastered the perfect golf  swing!!

I also built a small stone-bordered path up to the front entrance. Mama Lydia was thrilled, now seeing the potential of her property. She has 10 acres with about 6 buildings on it.

To give you perspective on labour rates, Mama Lydia hired a young man to continue slashing the long grass after we left. It would take him 6 days; 9 hours per day and got paid....$12.00!!
All that hard work outdoors meant a good night's sleep for all 3 of us - plus it got me ready for my garden when I get home!

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